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We went to university together lolita bitch THAT WOMAN HAS SOME BEAUTIFUL TITS, THAT I WOULD LIKE TO SUCK AND SHE GIVES A HELLA OF A GOOD BLOW JOB. ls magazine loli bbs MAN DEY NEED TO STOP WIT DIS LAME SHIT....DIS SHIT WAS TO BORING...MAN I NEED TO GET WET OFF SOME SHIT.....LOL black lolitas fuck The funny thing is that you guys call this gay cause there's dude standing around watching, but look at it like this: you're one of those men you call a fag. The only difference between you and them is that you are watching this while sitting at a computer. Don't hate the player or the game, hate the fact that you aint getting no puss-puss. ukrain forum lolita Besides the old dick going from ass to mouth, this was super fucking hot. She was really into it, he had a nice big uncircumcised dick, and that shot in the middle reminded us how out in the open they were. I may go watch it again. Pedo Rape Shitty, shitty, shitty. Chick has WAY too much makeup and we never get a really good look at her body. Poorly shot too. Camera WAY too CLOSE. There's four minutes and five seconds of my life that I'll never get back.
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