Sunday, November 3, 2024 | 108,599 members | 37,114 rebates | Rebate Success Ratio: 98.4%
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Category list News

New feature: rebate company statistics

We've rolled out a new website feature that shows statics across all rebates sent to a specific address. When a company decides to offer a rebate promotion, it has to decide how to handle all the submissions and how to administer payments. Some companies take on the task themselves, with a differing degree of success. Others outsource to third parties that specialize in running rebate promotions and administering customer claims. We've aggregated the data in our system and now, for any rebate, you can see a breakdown of how the company has handled other rebates. Take a look:


Site updates

Password retrieval woes

Some users were running into difficulty getting a new password emailed to them post redesign. It appears we may have dialed security a bit too tightly and user accounts were getting locked out after only a few failed login attempts. We've relaxed things a bit, so hopefully this will no longer be an issue.

This seems like a good time to mention again that the security of your data is taken very seriously around here. We try to err on the side of too much rather than too little.


Site updates

Improved rebate search

First on the list of long-requested enhancements has been rebate search. You've asked for ability to search on keywords, and now you can. You've asked to have the option to only show current rebates, and now you can do that also. Finally, we simplified zip code entry on the search screen.

We hope you find the new search easier to use. Please keep comments and suggestions coming!


Site updates

Rebate-Tracker undergoes a redesign

Its been a very long time coming, but its finally here. Welcome to the new! The changes might look skin-deep, but in fact the website has been rewritten from scratch. This new platform will enable us to soon roll out the features that you have been asking about: better search, better tools, ratings, discussions, and much more.

NOTE: as part of the upgrade, we restructured the security infrastructure and were forced to reset all passwords. Please request a new password using your email as username. You will then be able to log in and change the password. We are sorry about this inconvenience!


Site updates