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$8.99 rebate through when you, $8.99 off

Description: In order to receive your $8.99 rebate you must purchase a Polaroid P310 Printer from between December 15, 2006 and December 25, 2006. Additionally, the materials and information listed below are required prior to rebate payment. Failure to submit any of the following items will delay or prevent rebate payment. ENCLOSE: 1. A clean, clear copy of the dated INVOICE. The eligible part or model number and date must be listed on the invoice. 2. This completed coupon or a copy of this coupon. 3. You must submit a copy of the 12 digit UPC barcode from the package in order to qualify. 4. You must submit the original Serial Number sticker from the package in order to qualify.

Purchase valid: 12/15/2006 - 12/31/2006
Submit rebate by: 1/1/2007
Expect check: 6 to 8 weeks

Submission Address:
$8.99 Rebate Lexmark Polaroid Printer
Dept: NGD - H47961
P.O. Box 100451
White Bear Lake,, MN 551100451

Statistics for submission address

Unique rebates: 115 Received: 71.5%
User submissions: 158 Pending: 27.2%
Rejected: 1.3%

Rebate count by week of receipt
